Funino and Working Bee this Sunday

15 Mar by Nalina Phillips (Amara & Cienna)

π˜Ώπ™€π™£β€™π™© π™›π™€π™§π™œπ™šπ™©β€¦ Funino is on this Sunday at Doug Lindsay Reserve~ free event for kids aged 11 and under ~ playing in teams of 3 in a β€˜round robin’ format ~ 10am start ⚽️ You don’t need to be registered to play and can just turn up 😎

π–πŽπ‘πŠπˆππ† 𝐁𝐄𝐄 🐝 We will be having a working bee this Sunday also, to hang soccer nets on the large goals and to have a clean out and stocktake of equipment for the upcoming season!
If anyone has any spare time between 10am and 12pm we would really appreciate your assistance… many hands make light work πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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